CPD Lectures & Workshops On Gilding

Gilding, or applying thin leaves of gold to adorn and beautify objects, buildings and paintings, can be found in nearly every part of the world and in all of the major religions.


DBR Conservation holds lectures and workshops on this fascinating technique. The talks include an overview of the history of laying gold leaf from the earliest practices in Ancient Egypt to today’s competitive trade. The basic chemistry of gold’s glitter are explored, and archive footage is used to track how the technology behind turning chucks of ore into the finest of gold leaf has evolved over the years.

Interactive demonstrations using the various tools such as rabbit skin glue, squirrel mops and burnishing ‘wolf teeth’ can be organised, as well as practical workshops in which participants are shown how to gild their own object. The opportunity at the end of these sessions to mingle, sip wine, and sample gilded chocolate treats are always popular.

Please read some comments from recent participants!

“This was without doubt, the most fun and the most informative CPD session I’ve attended! Kim has presented the theoretical and practical aspects of gilding with extensive knowledge and experience, combined with great enthusiasm. I thoroughly recommend all our colleagues to attend her CPD if possible. It would hugely enhance our knowledge of gilding as well as appreciation for craftsmanship involved.”

“Without doubt the most fun CPD session I’ve attended but also one of the most informative. I’ve been working on two projects using gilded gold leaf recently so it was very timely to find out more about the history, application and techniques. It helped me understand what’s involved much better.  Kim explained it all clearly and with such enthusiasm.”

“It was an extremely well prepared and considered presentation by someone completely taken by the subject and delivered with a real infectious enthusiasm. It was very participative which I thought engaged all the audience from the start. Kim clearly knows the subject from its history to all the current various applications which she has done herself. Very impressive. As CPDs go, that one will take some beating.”

“A thoroughly enjoyable, interesting and informative CPD”

“All out praise for me for the format & practical nature of the CPD”

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