At DBR, we are acutely aware of the growing skills gap between the current established craft operatives and the emerging generation of craftspeople.
Following along in this year's theme of Skills for Life, DBR proactively outreaches and engages with and employ trainees through various apprenticeships. We have an excellent track record of providing placements for apprentices and supporting them both financially and educationally, through on-site mentoring, to achieve the relevant qualifications necessary for a pathway to Master craftsmanship.
We at DBR are committed to taking on local apprentices for every project with a duration of 1 year or more. Throughout the 1-year project, we aim to convert all new apprentices to level 2 attainment and all level 2 students to attain level 3 status.
We continuously find ways to promote and further craft skills through apprenticeships, student and college tours of active projects and hands-on workshops, our Year of the Master Craftperson campaign, and the funding of scholarships though QEST makers campaign.
Have you got a project that you would like to discuss with a professional member of our