The Ritz Hotel

he Ritz London, a Grade II listed 5-star hotel located in Piccadilly in London, England, is a symbol of high society and luxury.

Opened in 1906, The Ritz was the first steel framed building of any significance clad with Portland stone & Norwegian granite in the city. With its French chateau style architecture and Louis XVI furnishings, it was praised for its brilliant refinement of detail.  César Ritz once boasted that the hotel was “a small house to which I am proud to see my name attached.”


This project included the repair of the fractured colonnade columns as a result of corroding steelwork causing the stonework to fail (‘Regents Street Disease’).The large sections of fractured granite stonework were carefully cut out using wet cutting equipment and the exposed steel was descaled of rust and treated. New granite was obtained from Norway. These works involved the repair or replacement of steelwork fixings and the insertion of stitching rods. Large cutting machinery had to be used to remove failed masonry which needed mechanical dust control and extraction and protection of the operatives. Further up the building there were repairs and replacements of various decorative features around windows and balconies in Portland stone, together with works to chimneys, leadwork, drainage


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DBR London recently received the Royal Warrant in recognition for quality and excellent service, which can be understood in detail here.

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