13-14 The Boltons Balcony Repairs and Redecorations

The Boltons are a garden square in the Brompton district of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The estate was built in the mid-19th century by architect and journalist George Godwin. The area was named for William Bolton, who purchased the land in 1795. This contract mainly includes structural balcony works to the first and ground floor of the Boltons. Masonry repairs are being carried out by DBR’s highly-skilled masons.

These works include pillar cappings, balustrade copings, end blocks, spindles and half-spindles. Repairs to plinths are being carried out at both pillar and balustrade levels as well as cornice works. Our skilled masons are forming new pattern mouldings from the remaining balconies for continuity with the historic fabric. Following masonry repairs, the project also includes façade inspections and paint analysis for historic paint understanding,

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